We are excited to again present work from the Medical Device Design course at the 2021 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and Design of Medical Devices Conferences. Further a paper has been accepted by the ASME J. Medical Devices. Congratulations to the teams for their hard work!
Check out the papers and presentations:
M. Das, K.S. Hahm, A.A. LaRocca, C.A. Luna, K. Mendez, R. Hoffman, C.A. Verheyen, T.G. Kim, B.W. Wamakima, E.T. Roche, “A Low-cost, Easily Deployable Vesicovaginal Fistula Occluding Device for Providing Interim Continence,” ASME J. Medical Devices – Accepted for Publication
H. Higginbotham, D. Gonzales, J. McCulloch, S. Kaza, A. Salazar, “Cardiac Pathc Delivery Device, 2021 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA. April 12–15, 2021